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Codependents Anonymous Texas

New CoDA Spanish Meeting in Houston


Updated: Feb 5

CoDA Texas Spanish Intergroup is pleased to announce that an in person and online (hybrid) sharing meeting has begun in Houston area.  It meets on Saturdays at 11 AM at St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Church. It meets in Room X-14 at 7810 Cypresswood Dr (Xavier Center) in Spring Texas. The doors are open from 10:30 to 11:15 AM. For more information, reach out to:
CoDA Texas Spanish Intergroup is pleased to announce that an in person and online (hybrid) sharing meeting has begun in Houston area. It meets on Saturdays at 11 AM at St. Ignatius of Loyola Catholic Church. It meets in Room X-14 at 7810 Cypresswood Dr (Xavier Center) in Spring Texas. The doors are open from 10:30 to 11:15 AM. For more information, reach out to:
El Intergrupo de Español de CoDA Texas se complace en anunciar que una reunión para compartir en persona y en línea (híbrida) comenzó en primavera (área de Houston).  Se reúne los sábados a las 11 a. m. en la iglesia católica San Ignacio de Loyola. Se reúne en la Sala X-14 en 7810 Cypresswood Dr (Xavier Center) en Spring Texas. Las puertas están abiertas de 10:30 a 11:15 horas. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con:
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Meeting ID: 818 7494 8726 Passcode: 933096, meeting ID WW1161

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